The Crud font is copyright 1994 by Scott K. Yoshinaga.
All rights reserved.
Crud font was made for a poster project that I had for a Halloween Flyer. I thought it was good enough to release so here it is. The font looks like a typewriter font that has been totally destroyed. It gives you the feeling that it has been used too much and cracked up.
The Font was created with Fontographer, Freehand, and Adobe Streamline on a Macintosh Powerbook 160 (yes, believe it or not). Special thanks to all that paid for SassyFont and Grunge and for a lot of you who have given me encouragement and comments on my work. If you have any comments, good or bad I want to hear it! Check out my other font, FunkyFresh.
Installing Crud
To install Crud, you need to drop the file "Crud" into your system folder. DO NOT CHANGE THE NAME OF THE FONT.
For System 7.1 users just drop both the "Crud.bmap" and the "CrudFon" Files in your system folder. The finder will prompt you whether or not to add them to your Fonts folder, click OK. Restart the machine, and you are all set!
For those of you using System 6.0.x, use Apple Computer's Font/DA Mover to install the screen font versions of Crud into your system file in the usual manner (these screen fonts are in the file "Crud.bmap")
Copyright & Distribution Information
Crud is copyright 1994 by Scott K. Yoshinaga. All rights reserved.
This font is "schoolware". It is not public domain. Please help me pay my way through college! I hear from various sources that shareware doesn't work. PLEASE PROVE THEM WRONG! If you use my font please, please pay for it!
Crud works fine on my Macintosh. It may not on yours. No warrantees are implied, and Crud may not be suitable for any of your purposes.
The possessor of Crud is granted permission to use the font on a single printer for a period of one month. At the end of the month, the possessor must either register as a purchaser of the font (as discussed below), or must cease using the font.
Possessors of Crud may provide copies of this font, along with all related files, to any user willing to accept the terms of this agreement. This font may be distributed either by floppy disk (or similar magnetic medium) or by electronic means (such as via modem). Crud may not be sold. Fees can be charged in association with Crud, however, such as by users' groups for duplicating fees, commercial services for downloading time, etc.
I interpret the sale of Crud on commercially prepared ╥public domain disks╙ as a sale of Crud against my expressed instructions. There are severe penalties for selling copyrighted works in such a manner without the permission of the author. If your organization wishes to license Crud for sale you may reach me as described below.
If a user chooses to keep and use Crud for more than one month, a fee of $10 for the font is due me (at the address below). This fee entitles the registrant to use Crud as he or she sees fit, so long as it is not used on more than one printer at any given time. This registration fee can be waived if Crud is simply maintained on a disk (or other medium) for archival or redistribution purposes (i.e., a users' group librarian doesn't necessarily have to pay the fee, nor would a telecommunication service such as CompuServe).
Any questions or payments (U.S. checks or equivalent only, please) can be directed to me at the address below. When registering, please include your name and address, and please tell me where you obtained Crud. Thanks!
Please make checks payable to Scott K. Yoshinaga
MicroMouse Designs
Scott Yoshinaga
911 5th Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96816
also on the internet: